Team Orders
Ladies, are you looking for a pickleball or tennis outfit to make your team look fabulous?
Register your team with us, and you can enjoy 25% savings when you shop for a look that reflects the unity of your special team.
To activate the 25% savings, teams must purchase at least ten items. The captain completes and submits the registration form for their team. You can submit this registration on the BPassionit website by visiting Contact Us.
Once your registration is received, we will create a unique discount code and email it to you. Use this code at check-out to purchase your team's first ten items. Captains receive a free visor or cap. This will be included with your first order. Once you meet your minimum requirement, share the code with your team members. They can use this code for an entire month to receive 25% savings on all regular-priced items at Please note that our Team discount doesn't apply to discounted items and cannot used with other discounts or gift cards.
Look great, have fun, and enjoy the game and, most importantly, each other!
Team Photo Gallery
You can help us build our team page by sending us a photo of your team. We will create a memory here and reward you and everyone in the photograph. That's right, 30% off the purchase price of one regular-priced item on our website. Just smile and shoot. Visit Rewards to learn more.
Double Trouble
Avila Bay Athletic Club
Meet Play Love Tennis
Gold River Headed To Nationals
65+ 7.0 Levels
Johnson Ranch 55+
4.0 Level
Loving The Dots
Meet Play Love 2019
Girls Just Wanna Have
Meet Play Love 2019
Chamisal Volley Girls Wearing Refresh Collection
Senior Cup Indian Wells
SWAT (Some Wine After Tennis)
Shout Out To Doylestown Tennis Club Wearing Eclipse Collection
Tahoe Tough Team Playing At The 2018 Meet Play Love Tournament In Tucson, Arizona
Johnson Ranch Team Playing At The 2018 Meet Play Love Tournament In Tucson, Arizona
Johnson Ranch Racquet Club
Winners Of 2017 Nor-Cal Sectionals 40 And Over Competing At Nationals In Orlando, Florida
2017 Winners Of The Indian Wells Senior Cup Tennis Tournament
From Fair Oaks, California Captained By Terrie O'Donnell
2017 Submitted By Malinda Griffin From South Carolina
2016 The Sunshine Acres Adult 18 & Over 3.0 Team, Sunset Hill Country Club
2016 Imperial Happy Racquets From Santa Cruz California
The Fireballs, 2015 Adult 18 & Over Women's 4.0 Team Johnson Ranch
2014 Gold River 7.0 Team